Temperament-wise, the Himalayan bunny is gentle, calm, and friendly. They appear to enjoy interacting with humans and do not mind being handled. their bodies are long, narrow, and cylindrical. Jinx,” the toilet-flushing cat in the comedy film Meet the Parents. The best thing about Mini Rex rabbit breed is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money in grooming and caring for them. Agouti Chinchilla Rabbits and Dutch Thuringer Rabbitswere bred by a famous rabbit judge in the 1970s in Holland, and that is when the Sallander Rabbit breed was created. The color of a Himalayan is temperature sensitive. They are one of the oldest and calmest breeds. The Himalayan breed is a pretty cool study, too, but this article’s concern is with the variety. A Himalayan’s body should be round and firm, have good length, and be narrow, showing its cylindrical shape. They are considered one of the best rabbits to have as pets for their easy going demeanor and ease with children. The Himalayan rabbit is one of the oldest rabbit breeds in existence—to the point that much of its origins are unknown. color is only on the nose, ears, feet, and tail. 8. They became popular very quickly in America for their beautiful soft fur. Their young open their … Which Rabbit Breed Is Best for Me? It was one of the oldest breeds which was accepted by the ARBA. The result was a large, well-fleshed rabbit with almost pure white fur. The Rex rabbits include the chinchilla, castor, and Himalayan rabbits. The eyes are pink. Himalayans have red eyes. The white body color can get dark spots on it if a Himie lies next to something cold such as a metal feeder in the wintertime. The lionhead can be seen as a friendly and well-mannered rabbit. Himalayan Rabbit. Contents hide. Himalayans are very unique rabbits. When viewed from above or hands running down the sides of the rabbit one can truly view and feel those that are hippy. CLOSE TO COLORLESS. Himalayans are small rabbits, weighing about three to five-and-a-half pounds when fully grown. Although they enjoy attention of their owners and/or other rabbits a lot they don’t find it hard to be on their own. More specifically, the breed has roots within the Salland region in the Netherlands. Small Rabbit Breeds. It has an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Himalayan Rabbits 2-3 months old ‼️ 8 DOES AVAILABLE ‼️ ️Superb Mothering Ability ️ Nice Temperament ️ Highly Sociable Not for meat production Look for flyback fur that is short, silky, fine, and even, and fitting close to the body. the himalayan is a delightful rabbit with a max weight of 4.5 pounds. In rabbits, “Himalayan” is the name of both a color and a breed that sports that color. That is not to say they don’t like to play, but the Himalayan is generally less active than other breeds of cat. They are small, weighing about 2 kilograms and have less fur. Temperament: Very friendly, calm, and active; Grooming: Less expensive to handling; Polish. The points can be black, chocolate, blue, or lilac. The Mini Rex, known for its smooth, fluffy coat and easy-going temperament, is a smaller variety of the Rex rabbit that was first discovered in France in the 1900s. Possessed of a very agreeable temperament, they make ideal pets for first-time rabbit owners, and are even quite forgiving of minor mishandling. The Himalayan cat it is a cross between the Persian, from whom he has developed his physical characteristics and from the Siamese, from whom he has inherited the characteristic … This cat is a cross between the Persian cat, evident in its physical characteristics and the Siamese cat, from which it has inherited its characteristic patterns. This coupled with their small size makes them an excellent choice for children wanting to start raising and showing rabbits. The tail also should match the marking colors. This rabbit’s small size makes it ideal for smaller hands to carefully pick up. The Mini Rex rabbits are smaller than the Rex rabbits. All rabbits are vet-checked vaccinated desexed at the approrpaite time and microchipped ready for their indoor home. they are known for their docile temperament and are great rabbits for small children and showmanship. Although their name refers to Himalayan, the breed may in fact be from the Far East. Their offspring was then crossed with New Zealand rabbits. in weight when fully grown. Size: Small/Mini Weight: 2.5-5 lb Lifespan: 5-8 years Body Shape: Cylindrical Best Suited For: Singles, Seniors, apartment or houses, Families with children, First-time owners, Indoor or outdoor Rabbits Temperament: Gentle, docile, calm Comparable Breeds: Californian Rabbit Himalayan Rabbit Life Span. The Himalayan color is pure white with dark “points”; that is, the nose, ears, feet, and tail are colored while the rest of the bunny is white. Crossbreeding New Zealand Whites (without Angora genes), Standard Chinchilla (for coat density) and Himalayan Rabbits (for seal point markings) enabled George. 1 Physical appearance. In general Lionhead Rabbits can be seen as friendly and well-mannered bunnies. The Himalayan cat, also known as Himmie cat, is a man-made bred cat. Alaska Rabbits are famous for their well-rounded and balanced bodies, and despite not being compact if compared to other rabbit breeds, the Alaska Rabbits still exhibit a balanced and strong bone development. The Californian rabbit (California White) was developed by George S. West of Lynnwood, California in 1923 by crossing Himalayan and a Standard Chinchilla rabbit.. Temperament: They are quite calm rabbits that are docile and gentle creatures BREED CHARACTERISTICS. The group of “C” genes in rabbits controls the … They are known for their calm temper. Temperament. via Aarabbits: The first Californian bunny to be exhibited at a show was during 1928. Breed profile of the Himalayan rabbit, one of the oldest breeds known for its distinctive colouring of dark points on a white coat. It is also known as the Black Nosed Rabbit from China, the Chinese rabbit, Black Nose, the Russian Rabbit and the Egyptian Smut. Himalayans are the only breed with cylindrical body type, and are posed very differently from the other breeds. They also make really great pets for families, singles and the elderly. Personality of a Lionhead rabbit. Their fur is short and is "flyback" which means the fur moves back to its original place if you run your hand through it. Your average Himalayan rabbit will live for about four to five years. Physical Description. Cooler temperatures darken the points, warmer temperatures lighten them. Please help us improve. Himalayan cat personality. They were originally developed as a meat breed and were larger than the Polish of today. The Himalayan is an ideal indoor companion; it speaks more and is more active than the Persian, but is quieter than the Siamese. their bodies are long, narrow, and cylindrical. They are small rabbits, with very long, trim bodies. Himalayan rabbits are typically small, reaching an average weight of 1.5-2kg at adulthood. They can also be uncharacteristically moody during mating season. Popular childrens pets and house rabbits, Himalayans are generally very calm, good-natured and friendly. The colouring is susceptible to change, growing darker in cold temperatures and lighter in warmth. They were one of the very first rabbit breeds to be recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. It has a cylindrical body type and beautiful color markings which make it a very different looking rabbit. The Himalayan color is pure white with dark “points”; that is, the nose, ears, feet, and tail are colored while the rest of the bunny is white. They should be stretched out to show their full body length. 10 Best Rabbit Breeds for Children. They require minimal grooming aside from a weekly brushing. Their coloring, similar to a Himalayan cat, has made them a popular breed among bunny lovers everywhere. These bunnies love human… They are considered one of the best rabbits to have as pets for their easy going demeanor and ease with children. They also develop a condition called "flystrike" which is when flies nest in their flesh and hatch eggs. Rosh is himalayan baby boy. In cold temperatures their fur can actually become darker and baby Himalayans do not handle the cold well. Finally, it is recommended you keep the… Eyes should be bold and alert. Named after its origin, this breed is also known as Californian White, and was first developed for its meat and fur.Crossbreeding New Zealand Whites (without Angora genes), Standard Chinchilla (for coat density) and Himalayan Rabbits (for seal point markings) enabled George. Temperament. These rabbits are typically very mellow in temperament. Life expectancy often varies. They are one of the most laid back rabbits and love snuggling and handling. Owing to their easy-going temperament, hardy health, and charming body markings, the English Spot rabbit makes for a lovely house (or garden) pet. It has a personality that is amazing. The colored points can be black, blue, chocolate, or lilac. The Himalayan Rabbit has a gentle temperament, are very delicate. Himalayans are gentle rabbits that enjoy human contact. Making it one of the best rabbits for young children not to mention a perfect showmanship rabbit. Temperament The Himalayan is a sweet and good-natured breed of cat and share the same placid nature as their Persian cousins. The origin of the Himalayan breeds in the Himalayan mountain. These days, Californian bunnies are still reared for their meat in some countries. They have a short coat and regular weekly grooming is advised to keep their coat in top condition. He intended to create a multipurpose bunny suitable … Most rabbits have good maternal instincts and some breeds can be a bit testy and protective when they have young. Popularity:. Thick ears, ears shaped like spoons, or ears that are spread apart. So if you are considering to buy a Lionhead you should be aware of the fact that your little friend needs a certain level of attention. Dutch, Jersey Wooly, Himalayan and Chinchilla rabbits are easy-going and cheerfully tolerate handling. Smut (dark color) is a disqualification on any useable part of the pelt, and white spots in any marking is a disqualification. By the 1900s, they were one of the most popular meat breeds in Europe, especially in Belgium. Florida White Rabbits. If you’re looking for a small bunny for your young child, you’ll never go wrong … The Himalayan rabbit has been a beloved pet for almost a century in the United States. P.S. Himalayan rabbits eat a diet of 70% Timothy hay, 25% commercially made rabbit pellets and 5% fresh fruits and vegetables. Image Source. They also will need time out of their cage to roam around regularly. Appearance: Combination of black, blue, blue-eyed white, broken group, opal, otter, red, chocolate, Himalayan, lilac, lynx. Himalayan: The Himalayan Rabbit is undoubtedly among the oldest known rabbit breeds in the world. In the 1900s Polish rabbits were one of the most popular meat breeds in Europe, especially in Belgium. Roughness over the hindquarters is not penalized. Himalayan Rabbit – Breed Information Basic Appearance:. Known for your short hair and long, narrow, and flat body, the Himalayan rabbits are calm, tolerant, and rather serious bunnies. Himalayan rabbits have short, flyback fur. Appearance: Short, soft, flyback fur in six distinctive colorings: ruby … This type of rabbit breed is popular for its good temperament and minimal grooming requirements. A Himalayan Rabbit You are a Himalayan rabbit! It derives its name from the Himalayan rabbit, which possesses the same colorpoint. The combination of these two predecessors offers us a unique, elegant and very beautiful feline. Himies should have long, slender legs and feet, with well furred footpads and dark toenails. It's sometimes referred to as snake-like. They enjoy human company if well socialized and handled. The Himalayan comes in a variety of colors including seal, blue, chocolate, lilac and cream. As a Himalayan, you are known for your easygoing personality and down-to-earth nature. So they are perfect for those people first-time pets, or who want a quiet animal. A strong social connection between rabbit and owner is therefore not required but still recommended. Himalayans may have been brought to the United States during the Belgian Hare Boom in the early 1900’s. Heavy hips, large bone, or large rabbits. Positives. They were originally bred in the U.S. for fur and eventually became a favorite pet and show rabbit. Just kidding! This is caused by a gene that is commonly called the “Himalayan gene”, symbolized by the letters ch. color is only on the nose, ears, feet, and tail. Mini Rex rabbits are a small, compact breed that has a very plush undercoat and extremely soft, velvety feeling fur, which comes in a wide variety of colors. S. West in achieving the Californian Rabbit breed in 1923, Lynwood, Southern California. Fat rabbits or animals with pot bellies are faulted. The rabbit is white with color on the nose, ears, feet, legs, and tail. The life span of Himalayan rabbits is more than 8 years. They love petting and are perfect pets for young kids. What is known is that Himalayan rabbits made their first appearance in America around the early 1900s. Adult Himalayans weigh 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds (1 to 2 kg) with an ideal weight of 3 1/2 pounds. Outdoor and Indoor cats usually have different lifespans due to various factors such as disease and exercise etc. In fact, this breed of rabbit is not known to scratch or bite humans, making them the perfect pet for families with young children or seniors looking for a furry companion to add some color to their life. They are susceptible to common problems found in all rabbits such as overgrown teeth and ear mites. They have a decent sized litter and the females make very good mothers. When supplementing with fresh foods, make sure they are rabbit friendly as some fruits and vegetables can make them sick. They considered having an excellent temperament. You can provide them with cat toys and even teach them tricks with a clicker. Eye stains are a minor fault. Personality: Himalayans are generally extremely calm and tolerant. Himalayan rabbits are usually excellent with children, they are very tolerant, content to be cuddled, and rarely bite or scratch. Though some say they are indeed from the Himalayan mountain area, records of these rabbits are found is several regions of the old world. A dewlap is a disqualification. They have been around for so long, we are not sure when they first appeared, or where they originated. They are hugely popular as pets and are much sought after thanks to their calm and placid temperament. The Himalayan rabbit breed is quite intelligent, friendly, and biddable. eyes are red. 2 Character. The California rabbit temperament can be described as docile, calm, well-natured, even-tempered, and friendly. This breed can weigh between 2.5 to 5 lbs. APPEARANCE. They thoroughly enjoy playtime and will appreciate lots of … As the Rex became hugely popular in Europe, a Texas-based breeder Monna Berryhill crossed it with Netherland Dwarfs to create a miniature version of the standard Rex and named it ‘Mini Rex’. Himalayan: The Himalayan rabbit is the oldest rabbit breed in the world. The history of the breed is partially a mystery, as there are no definite records that clearly state where the breed may have originated. Though some say they are indeed from the Himalayan mountain area, records of these rabbits are found is several regions of the old world. Their gentle, loving nature puts them in a class unto itself” (source – Himalayanrabbit.com). The Himalayan is similar to the Siamese and Himalayan cat when it comes to their coat color. Apply to adopt on our website using the Adoption Application Form. Privacy Policy. You can line the cage with bedding such as Carefresh or straw and it should be cleaned often with a complete changeover once a week. The average price for a Himalayan is about $25 to $60, with show rabbits at the higher price end. They just love to spend time with their keepers and are therefore perhaps a bit more demanding than other breeds. These bunnies can be timid, sensitive, skittish and show fear if not handled well. Their nose … He has a lovely sweet personality. Known for your short hair and long, narrow, and flat body, the Himalayan rabbits are calm, tolerant, and rather serious bunnies. Himalayans are known for their easy-going and docile temperament. Coat. Password recovery While they are sweet and loving, they are also quite … His small size, compact shape, and good temperament … Himalayan Rabbit. Himalayan Rabbit Characteristics and Pictures, Black History Month Printable Activities and Worksheets, How to Make Yourself Cry to Relieve Stress, Complete List of Bearded Dragon Colors (Including Morphs). Himalayan Physical Characteristics . If you're looking to buy your own Himalayan, visit the website for the American Himalayan Rabbit Association. A calm and outgoing companion, the Himalayan rabbit is one of the oldest rabbit breeds. Comparable Breeds: Himalayan rabbit and Champagne d’Argent rabbit. However, the breed is … Acceptance as an official breed by the ARBA (American Rabbit … The feet and legs are to have the same color as the other markings, and the color is to carry as far as possible up the legs. They have a cylindrical body and black marks similar to the Californian rabbit. Himalayans should have markings in five places: nose, ears, tail, feet, and legs. The Himalayan Rabbit has a gentle temperament, are very delicate. Himalayans are popular both as show rabbits and as pets. Himalayan cat personality. The Himalayan rabbit is a small, white rabbit with colored points. First, Himalayan rabbits were crossbred with standard Chinchilla rabbits. Simply brushing them once a week, or going over their coat with damp hands should be enough to remove any loose hairs and keep your rabbits looking their best. adopted by lyn dunlop at beecroft. The body is white with colored points, recognized colors are black, blue, chocolate and lilac. The Himalayan rabbit is a rare medium-sized breed of rabbit easily mistaken for the Californian rabbit. If made uncomfortable, like any other prey animal, it can struggle and injure itself or the handler. The developing flies can literally eat the rabbit alive, which can be fatal for the rabbit, as well as quite painful. Although historically seen as a child’s pet, rabbits aren’t really suitable for small children. The colored points can be black, blue, chocolate, or lilac. The chinchilla rabbit, similar to the actual chinchilla animal but only in … They are generally calm-natured animals who don’t mind being picked up, petted and handled and unlike other high-energy rabbits, Himalayans are not particularly active. It should be well rounded and carry up between the eyes. rabbitbreeders.us. As a Himalayan, you are known for your easygoing personality and down-to-earth nature. Himalayan rabbits are born white or pale grey; the colouring starts to appear at about 4 weeks and develops fully over the first 6 months. They are known for their calm temper. They are the only "cylindrical" breed the ABRA accepts. They are quite easy to maintain and so they are also a good choice for the novice rabbit owner. Your minimum cage size should be 24" x 15" with a wire frame and solid bottom. Black is the most common point color, but you can also find Himalayans with black, blue, chocolate and lilac points. They have been around for so long, we are not sure when they first appeared, or where they originated. Although you can keep them outside in a hutch, inside is recommended. The Himalayan has short, fine hair and a smooth, soft coat. Why wasn't this page useful? The breed was brought to the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century. You can use the Petfinder and Adopt-A-Pet websites to look for them by breed. The Himalayan is one of the oldest rabbit breeds we have today. You can also find breeder information on the ARBA and USA Rabbit Breeders sites. Long thick and glossy. Himalayan bunnies are small, usually ranging from 2.5 to 5 pounds. The Chinchilla – An Overview. Himalayans don't have many medical concerns specific to their breed. An interesting fact about the Himalayan is that their fur is all white or grey when they are kits and their points come in as they get older. There should be plenty of room for your rabbit to move around and if you keep more than one you should double the size of at least the minimum needed. The Himalayan Rabbit has a different body type to all the other rabbits. An Antelope Jackrabbit You are an antelope jackrabbit! The Himalayan is one of the oldest rabbit breeds we have today. It is believed they were developed from Dutch and Himalayan rabbits in the 1600s. It has a cylindrical shaped body when viewed aerially. Having said that, they do require plenty of time out of their enclo… Temperament of a Lionhead Rabbit. A top line and side lines that are straight, showing no arch or taper. The resulting progenies were then crossed with purebred New Zealand Whites (with recessive Angora genes – no Angora genes) to make them larger and fleshy.. They have little ears and a cute thinking face. They need more frequent grooming during a molt. Low. 248 . They are intelligent, playful and social rabbits and thrive on attention. Facebook Twitter StumbleUpon Tumblr Pinterest Reddit. His small size, compact shape, and good temperament … The Himalayan takes its name from the Himalayan rabbit who has the same pointed coat pattern. eyes are red. Outdoor and Indoor cats usually have different lifespans due to various factors such as disease and exercise etc. Black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac. Markings that have stray white hairs, are not clean cut, are frosty, brassy, or are unequal. best of all, they have tons of personality in a small package. As a breed, they’re known to be very calm and good-natured. Himalayan Personality and Temperament. This is a dwarf breed. They will shed during molting season. They also need a lot of hay to chew on or their teeth can become overgrown leading to a painful dental condition. Himalayan Cats: Breed Personality, Behavior Facts and Characteristics, Health Care Info. With a cylindrical shaped body when viewed aerially, the rabbit can grow up to 5 lbs. Temperament and behaviors Himalayan rabbits are calm (not very active), intelligent, “gentle and easy to handle. Known for its incredible color, the Sallander Rabbit has a small following in the U.S., as it is not yet recognized by the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association). An Antelope Jackrabbit You are an antelope jackrabbit! Size: 2.5–3.5 lbs. These rabbits are often described as blocky, solid, and thickset. Himmies like nothing better than hanging out with their person, unless you include eating. They do not require expensive rabbit supplies. last update was sept 2016. A body that is long, narrow, and cylindrical when properly posed. Today the Himalayan rabbit is... Intelligence and trainability:. History and origin. best of all, they have tons of personality in a small package. They are small rabbits, with very long, trim bodies. S. West in achieving the Californian Rabbit breed in 1923, Lynwood, Southern California. Fur that is long, harsh, uneven, or hutch stained is a fault. Polish. They are one of the most laid back rabbits and love snuggling and handling. If you're looking for a gorgeous, long-haired cat with a laid-back temperament, the Himalayan fills the bill. Rabbits with short, close coupled type, or an arch or taper in the top or side lines. New Zealand Rabbit Life Span. Ears should taper toward the tip and also have a neat appearance. An English Spot rabbit is a very social animal that adores companionship, so get them a bunny friend if you can! The exact origins of the Polish rabbit are unknown, but is thought that they were developed by breeding a Dutch rabbit and Himalayan rabbit and first appeared in the early 1800s. Himalayan cat is the most beautiful breed in the world and is a long-lived breed. Himalayans are generally very calm, good-natured and friendly. they are known for their docile temperament and are great rabbits for small children and showmanship. If done patiently, rabbits are trainable to use litter boxes. Himalayans are not only one of the most unique  breeds recognized in the U.S., but also one of the oldest. This is a medium to large-sized cat with heavy bones, a well-knit body, and a short tail. They... History, Temperament, and Common Uses:. Although all rabbits can bite, the Himalayan is known for rarely doing so. Life expectancy often varies. It is also one of the first breeds to be recognized by the ARBA. It has an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. The Himalayan rabbit is a small, white rabbit with colored points. Polish rabbits are compact. Despite their small size, their meat was considered a delicacy. The nose marking should be egg shaped and large, with the small end up. Their body is white with "points" on their ears, nose and feet. Himalayan Rabbits 2-3 months old ‼️ 8 DOES AVAILABLE ‼️ ️Superb Mothering Ability ️ Nice Temperament ️ Highly Sociable Not for meat production Final Thoughts on the Himalayan Rabbit Breed Unmatched toenails are a disqualification. Although all rabbits can bite, the Himalayan is known for rarely doing so. It’s not even 100 percent certain whether they hail from their namesake, the Himalayan mountains spanning across India, Nepal, and Tibet. Since then, Himalayan has become one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the USA. It is important to note that because Himalayans have such a long, narrow body type they will not have a rounded hindquarter as most other breeds do. with a good personality. Himalayans are a common rabbit so you should be able to find them in rescues and shelters as well. This shape of the body makes it unique. All Rights Reserved. The most recognizable Himalayan, at least recently, has been “Mr. Appearance and physical characteristics: The Himalayan rabbits have short, soft coat and black colored long ears, nose, legs and tail. On an average, New Zealand rabbits live for about 5 – 7 years. Himalayan Rabbit Temperament. History, Temperament, and Common Uses: The Himalayan is one of the oldest rabbit breeds we have today. Himalayan Rabbit temperature: In the type of rabbit Himalayan color change of its hair. Some s… The Himalayan’s unusually slender body shape and small size, ranging from 2 to 4 pounds, makes it easier to pick up and hold than other types of rabbits. Colour. 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When fully grown, ears shaped like himalayan rabbit temperament, or who want quiet! High temperatures above 35 ° C. the rabbits are often described as docile, calm well-natured!, so they are sweet and good-natured mention a perfect showmanship rabbit a delightful rabbit a.