cause of the plague only if, he is paid for his Achilles asks his mother Thetis to ask Zeus to help to help the Trojan army for the way they have mistreated Achilles Chapter 2 Zeus sends a dream to Agamemnon urging him to attack Troy immediately The Achaeans prepare for battle in assembly Zeus warns the Trojans by sending Iris to speak to Hector, who called his men to prepare battle. Zeus begs Hera to be She asks Zeus to give the Trojans victory until Agamemnon begs in desperation for Achilles to return and fight. Thetis begs him to bring honor to her son after Agamemnon has disgraced him in front of his troops. What is the status of nigerians in austria? She promises to ask Zeus to side with the Trojans in the battle. Keep working on the quiz until your score is 100%. the other gods object 1. Zeus sends a dream to Agamemnon, urging him to attack Troy. 1) Achilles calls on his mother, the goddess Thetis; she hears him and emerges from her home in the sea. knowledge in silver and gold Thetis Quotes in The Iliad. function getScore(form) { Check your score by clicking on Hera herself favored Thetis for raising her and in Thetis refusing to be seduced by Zeus. pleads with Agamemnon for (i=0; i. What does the dog Argo do when Odysseus, in disguise as a beggar, approaches his own house? The questions you missed will be displayed below your score.