Dudgeon has reported acute urethritis with yellow discharge lasting altogether a fortnight as the result of chewing a Thuja cone. The fluid which he drinks falls into the stomach with a gurgling noise. As if muscles of thigh would break down. Mersch proved Thuja on himself and some others: (1) M.N. Thuja also has chronic incontinence from paralysis of sphincter vesicae. Homeopathic Thuja for Dogs & Cats. Toothache. Most of the remedies of his materia medica had been known in a fashion before his time. Take or give liquid drops or tiny milk sugar homeopathic pillules of thuja 30X twice daily alternating with homeopathic antimonium tartrate liquid or pillules twice a daily. (nightly toothache): Coccul. Rheumatism, gonorrhoeal. Left ovarian pain when walking or riding, must sit or lie down. Lightning-like headache. Seminal emissions, nocturnal. Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side, as if the soul were separated from the body, as if the body, especially the limbs, were of glass and would break easily, as if a living animal were in the abdomen. Accumulation of mucus in posterior nares. Vaccination. Hahnemann found in Thuja the antidote to the miasm of the condition which he termed Sycosis, meaning thereby the constitutional disease resulting from constitutional gonorrhoea, and having as its characteristic manifestation excrescences, sometimes dry in the form of warts, more frequently soft, spongy, emitting a fetid fluid with a sweetish odor something like herring brine, bleeding readily and having the coxcomb or cauliflower form. In 1889 I was consulted by Mr. A., 38, about a lump, or rather two lumps, in the right breast, which was like that of a girl approaching puberty, the left breast being quite flat and normal. Varicose veins under tongue. The native habitat of Thuja is not without its importance in relation to therapeutics. Tingling-biting, stinging-itching on the scalp, better by scratching. As if skin of anus were cracked and chapped. Worse sun, bright light. Severe cutting at close of urination, Sars. Blowing from the nose of a large quantity of thick green mucus, mixed with pus and blood, later of dry, brown scales, with mucus, which comes from the frontal sinuses and firmly adheres to the swollen upper portion of the nostrils. Perspiration on face (especially on side on which he does not lie). Yellow-staining leucorrhoea, Agn-c., Carb-a., Chel., Kre., Nit-ac., Nux, Prun-s., Sep. Tongue: Ulcer on right border, Sil. (fever), Camph., Merc., Puls., Sul. Rancid risings, especially after fat food. The anti vaccinal action of Thuja is part of its antisycotic action: vaccinia is a sycotic disease. Feet, fetid. In the dark it seems as if falling down of luminous lights or sparks alongside of the eye, during the day and in the light it is as if dark drops were falling down. After a meal great indolence, or dejection, with anguish, and palpitation of the heart, or great inflation and sufferings from flatulence. Indicated at transitions in life, be they the developmental changes of … Diarrhea, fever, sleeplessness, trembling, restlessness, neuralgia, paresis (slight paralysis) etc. Lancinations across brain. In three weeks the gum was healthy and remained so permanently. Alveolar periostitis where the pains come and go suddenly at short intervals (R.T.C.). The desire of Thuja is sudden and urgent, it seems impossible to reach the vessel or make the necessary preparations, but the patient can control it if compelled. He includes Castor. Face ache, originating in left cheek-bone near the ear, extending through teeth to nose, through eyes to temples into head, the painful spots burn like fire, and are very sensitive to the rays of the sun. A keynote of Cooper’s for Thuja is, "its pains keep extending from their original site." Thuja is one of Hahnemann’s discoveries. Effects of fat food, Ipec., Carb-v., Puls. The lack of self-confidence in thuja homeopathic personality is pushing forward the need for them to try and be as perfect as possible in their clothing, hairstyle, make-up, performance and also in their work. Compare: Constitutional polychrests, Med. Bladder as if paralysed. R.T.C.) He wants to have head (and face) wrapped up warm. Thuja is used to treat conditions like warts, moles, skin pigmentation (chloasma), freckles, fungal infections like ringworms, ill-effects of vaccination, hair and scalp infections, nail problems, gonorrhea, balanitis, prostate issues, urethral stricture, piles, anal fissures, anal fistula, constipation, tooth complaints, ovarian cysts, ovaritis, uterine fibroids, hirsutism, recto-vaginal fistula, lumps and tumors, fatty tu… Desires cold things, Phos. As if bones of head were being knocked to pieces. Incapacity for reflection. Dirty-yellow teeth. Hence, homeopaths with a classical approach go against vaccination. Sensation of heat and of dryness in external canthi. R.T.C.) (4) Lymphatic temperament, in very fleshy persons, dark complexion, black hair, unhealthy skin. Nervous, sycotic, or syphilitic headaches. Itching and gnawing in scalp. Roaring in left ear, with cracking when swallowing saliva. Vomiting of acid serum and of food. Iritis, green discharges, rheumatism, sweating, Merc. This lasted an hour or more. Thuja in fractional doses and Thuja painted on cured permanently in three weeks. The primary vaccinosis (adverse reaction to a vaccination) homeopathic remedy for cats and dogs, it can be administered at any time following vaccinations. t. Piles worse sitting, Lyc. Pop. Thuja removed the pains but did not arrest the growth. However, it’s important to remember that treating a reaction to vaccines is no different from treating anything else with homeopathy – the … 162) complaining that his semen had a very offensive smell. Drawing tension in bones of nose. The last set up attacks of angina pectoris of such intensity that I did not repeat it. H.C. Allen). Burnett says Thuja is the remedy for fatty tumours, which he regards as sycotic in nature. (5) Ailments from vaccination or from suppressed or maltreated gonorrhoea. Condylomata, Sabin. They are severe, sometimes burning, extend down thigh, any attempt at exercise and especially walking worse, they occur with every menstrual period, and are generally worse before and during the flow. Followed well by: Merc., Sul. Homeopathic Thuja is typically called upon after symptoms develop due to suppressed symptoms, especially warts or gonorrhea or it is often called upon due to adverse reactions to vaccinations. While thuja is a major remedy for vax injury, i’m not sure that it is an effective prophylactic in that way. Those who need Thuja struggle with self-confidence: they feel worthless and unattractive, and believe that nobody would love them if they knew what they were really like. Taste in mouth sweet as sugar, with gonorrhoea. The symptoms are: worse By touch (scalp, vertex, eruption, anus, condylomata, causes fingers to bleed), but better pain in eyebrow and in left malar bone. (Pityriasis affecting forehead, face, ears and neck, worse after washing in warm water. Unable to eat breakfast (a keynote of Burnett’s). Thuja was introduced to France from Canada in the reign of Francis I. of France, and it has now an honored place in most of our gardens and shrubberies. Throat feels raw, dry, as from a plug, or as if it were constricted when swallowing. In manufacturing, thuja is used as a fragrance in cosmetics and … Pain as of excoriation in tip of tongue, when touched. Inflammation of cornea. Closing eyes aggravates. The merest trifle occasions pensiveness. Mersch (H. M., xxx. Abdomen. Homeopathy, by means of potentized vaccines developed an efficient method to an almost 100% sure diagnosis. Tearing jerking in occiput. Ledum palustre (the homeopathic puncture-wound remedy) at a dose of 30c. As if anus would fly to pieces during stool. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Moreover, the patient had lost an oppression of the chest which had been troubling him some time. 137) found Thuja, in five-to seven-drop doses at bed time, control nocturnal seminal emissions better than any other remedy. Log in, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), Healthy Food Resource Guide for Vancouver. Beer. Circumscribed burning redness of cheeks. Epulis is probably a malignant kind of sycotic hyperplasia. Sensation as if whole body very thin and delicate and could not resist least attack, as if continuity of body would be dissolved. Thuja occidentalis. As if a tape prevented urination. When treating reactions to a rabies vaccine, Belladonna and Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) should be considered. H.N.G. Heat in face, sometimes only transient, or else with burning redness. The only account she could give of her fear was that she saw green stripes. Syphilis and sycosis, fig-warts fan-shaped, much itching, especially about joints, Cinnabar. R.T.C.) It is made from the fresh green twigs of a plant known as Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. Sanguineous, or bitter saliva. Feeling as if flesh beaten off bones, Phyt. Goullon.) White, scaly peeling-off eruption over the scalp, extending over the forehead, temples, ears, and neck. 487) records a case of lichen urticatus in a boy of fourteen, which came into his hands after a long course of treatment, external, internal, and dietetic, at the hands of allopathic specialists without result. Nevus. Robert Farley (quoted A.H., xxiii. Old rheumatism attacking bowels, liver, and kidneys. Toothache with acute drawing pains, especially during mastication. Thuja not only produces symptoms of the secondary stage of gonorrhoeal and vaccinal affections, it also produces urethritis and a variolous eruption. Pain as if a tight hoop encircled forehead, on waking. Aversion to life. Sudden bounding in right iliac region as if something alive. Thuja oil is also used for skin diseases, warts, and cancer; and as an insect repellent. Swelling of veins in temples. Herpes zoster. Swelling temporal muscles, especially during mastication. Congestion of blood in head. As if moisture running in urethra. Large, seedy, pedunculated warts, Staph. Vertigo when rising from a seat, or when lying down, or else when looking into the air. She never had a cough before. Neuralgia going from before backward. Before my eyes images and statues arranged themselves. Myopia. Abdomen, distended. Toothache after drinking tea, with pressive pain extending into jaw. Anshutz, published in 1900..... Vaccination ailments after Homeopathy treatment for Vaccination ailments after from the Homeopathic … Whooping-cough. He had been twice vaccinated, but on the second occasion the arm did not "rise." Onions. Styes, tarsal tumours, chalazae, thick and hard knots. Speedy satiety, when eating. As if a nail were pressing into vertex. Headache, as if forehead would split, with internal shivering, better by walking in open air. Anus, fistula in, fissure of. Sclerotica inflamed, and red like blood. Anxious apprehensions respecting the future. Two doses of the 200th and one of the 15th were taken. Thick upper lip with pea-sized tumour on its parenchyma, enlarging when taking cold. ), when he sleeps, stops when he wakes (opp. Nose red and hot. Nausea and uneasiness in region of stomach. Tongue, ulcers of, biting of. It loves swamps, it is Hahnemann’s typical antisycotic and Grauvogl’s hydrogenoid. Castor is the product of an animal which subsists on the bark of resinous trees. Levitation. Percy Wilda (H. W., xxi. Paralysis. It began as a slight roughness and itched at time. To this state Thuja is homeopathic, and therefore curative and preventive of it. Hammering and tearing in ear, in evening, in bed, with frequent emission of urine, and coldness in legs and feet. On this subject no one has written more forcibly or lucidly than Burnett (Vaccinosts and its Cure by Thuja). Clavus. Antidote to: Merc., Sul., Iod., Nux-v.       Complementary: Med., Sabin., Sil., Nat-s. in sycosis. Inflammatory swelling of lids, with hardness. Warts. Post-nasal catarrh. Enuresis when coughing, Caust. Epulis. Chronic catarrh after measles, scarlatina, variola. Peculiar Sensations are: As if a strange person were at her side. In veterinary practice Thuja has proved curative in farcy and in "grease." Contact the clinic to book an appointment. As of falling drops in chest. The granules are of lactose and are absorbed quickly in the mouth. Legs as if made of wood when walking. Almost all the vaccines are based on the principles of isopathy, in which the same substance is used to prevent the disease which it is responsible for. Lids heavy as lead. In one month there was much reduction, Thuja was repeated, and in little over two months the wart was gone. Belladonna can be indicated if the dog suddenly develops a high fever, especially if he/she has glassy eyes with dilated … The medicine was repeated and when next seen some time later the patient was absolutely well. As if a nail driven in right parietal bone and left frontal eminence. Teeth decay at roots, Mez. Tumours can only be felt with difficulty. Compressive headache, especially in temples. Facial pains tending to spread to neck and head, chiefly left side (many cases cured. As of a single drop running along urethra. Worse walking, Aesc-h. Discolored skin, Adren. This patient and another who took it for the same purpose developed simple urethritis. Balanitis. Hair thin, grows slowly, splits, brittle, looks crimped. Ph-ac. Oozing from the right ear, smelling like putrid meat. Fungus on left lower jaw, more angry in damp weather      Swelling of submaxillary glands. Looking up better headache. "Arbor Vitoe: nomen omen," says Burnett on his title-page. Sexual excess. Tumours. (on edges, Staph.). Malignant balanorrhoea. Sweets. Cold better rheumatism. Otalgia, with squeezing compression and violent shootings, especially in evening. (Headache, as if a tight hoop encircled forehead up till noon, eyelids heavy as lead. Sight confused as if directed through a veil. The indurations disappeared, but in the course of the cure an eruption closely resembling small-pox developed over her breasts on more than one occasion. Dropsically bloated face. Sulphur. Dry herpes on the heat 1, extending to eyebrows, dandruff. Face. Back in the late 1800s, the homeopathic remedy Thuja was often used to successfully treat adverse reactions to the smallpox vaccine. Over excited, quarrelsome, easily angered about trifles. The urine had been abnormal all through the illness, but contained no albumen. Left ovarian pains, Colo., Bry., Phos. It abounds in the upper zones of North America, from Pennsylvania northwards, where it "often forms what are commonly known as cedar-swamps. His paternal grandmother and two aunts had died of cancer. Other Homeopathic Treatment For Vaccine Reactions. Pupils dilated. Eyes, tumours of, granular inflammation of. Effects of Vaccination THUJA 200 Loading... Thuja is a great remedy for the bad effects of vaccination. As if flesh were being torn from bones in left side and back. Clouded sight, when reading, with sensation of drowsiness. He found it ghastly white and in collapse. Dreams much of falling. Sensation as if inner ear were swollen, with increased difficulty of hearing. 200 they have now all but disappeared. Vis., xii. This extension was made by Kunkel and Goullon following on Boenninghausen’s experience with small-pox. Worse night. The problem was to give her sleep and take away the pain in the head. (itch and burn, especially in women). Sel. Stomach. This disappeared a month after the proving was ended. Better bending head back, Seneg. Thuja produces a confusion in the thoughts which patients cannot rid themselves of on account of great weakness and pain in the head. Unlike conventional medicine, it does not suppress symptoms, making Homeopathy an ideal treatment option in Human Papilloma Virus infection. Riding causes incontinence of urine, worse pain in ovary. Ulcers in throat and mouth, like chancres. Gonorrhoea. As if forehead would fall out. Teste dismisses this idea, but he asks whether resinous substances which have the power of modifying vegetable juices in a peculiar way may not affect the animal fluids in the same manner. As if testicles moved. As if a living a animal were in abdomen. (Nit-ac. Hemorrhage. Thuja 30 was given in infrequent doses. The skin remained clear in spite of the patient indulging in all kinds of previously forbidden foods. As if eyes were swollen and would be pressed out of head. In four months the youth was almost cured, in five months entirely so, the hair having grown again completely over is spot. 446) relates the case of two children, age 5, who had what he graphically terms "urinary tantrums." The effects of chronic vaccinosis are protean. Epulis. It grows upon the rocky banks of rivers, and in low, swampy spots, blossoming from May until June and maturing its fruit in autumn. Heat and redness of whole face, with fine nets of veins, as if marbled. As if a cold stream of air were blowing through eyes. Myopia. the best antidote in his experience. Sycosis. Angina pectoris. Bladder as if paralysed. Condylomata large, like cock’s comb, Euphras. Frolich (B.M.F., October 15, 1898) relates the case of a child, 6.5, who had well-developed nephritis seven days after vaccination with calf vaccine. Fatty tumours. Painful stitch through center of left eye, commencing in center of brain. Illusions of shape, Bapt., Petr., Stram. On August 15th Thuja 10M F. C. was given. Stool recedes after being partly expelled forcibly with much flatus, Alo. The totality led to the selection of Thuja, which was given in the 200th. Painful swallowing, especially empty swallowing, or that of saliva. J.H.C.) Vertigo on closing the eyes, disappears as soon as he opens them, or on stooping, or on looking upwards or sideways. The patient afterwards described her condition thus: "I felt in the anterior part of the head, principally the forehead, a sensation as if lead were compressing my eyes, these were inflamed, worse by light, better in open air. Subsequent observers have only confirmed or added to Hahnemann’s pathogenesis. Ascending causes palpitation. Cretinism. It was situated about the posterior edge of the parietal bone, was devoid of sensation, and the hair had disappeared from it, making it very conspicuous. N.O. As if skin were pricked with needles. is preferable for warts on prepuce." Pressive headache, with shocks in forehead and temples. Warmth aggravates. Natural History. (" worse By extension" is a characteristic of Thuja, it causes cracking in joints. The baby gradually improved the same day, and next morning was, though still pale, practically well, and the vaccinal vesicles on the nurse’s arm had withered. As if vertex were pressed with a needle. (2) When babies cry much the umbilicus protrudes, growing red and sore, especially when the father has a sycotic history. Worse blowing nose (pain in side of teeth). The spots continued to appear for a week and then disappeared. Gonorrhoea, badly treated or suppressed. Condylomata in eyebrows. Thuja is sometimes applied directly to the skin for joint pain, ostearthritis, and muscle pain. Burnett makes the profound observation, which I can confirm, that the vaccine virus does not need to "take (that is, to set up vaccinia) in order to produce the vaccinal dyscrasia: that "not a few persons date their ill-health from a so-called unsuccessful vaccination." 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