“Especially if what you think is horrible,” says Cinna. Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark, and I think Ispeak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours.” The roar of the crowd is deafening. rcbirm`la, ir itfcrw`sc, w`tfiut wr`ttcl pcrg`ss`il ie tfc pudn`sfcr. “Can I see that?” I handedit over. Usually we devote all of Sundayto stocking up for the week. Her first dress, for example, is covered in synthetic flames, while later outfits use fire more subtly but still maintain it as a motif. Butthen Peeta is bleeding too heavily, and Portia leads him off formedical treatment. He rips off a hunk of meat and starts tochuckle. Fierce? . There’s quite a commotiongoing on down in the streets, music and singing and car horns,none of which I could hear through the thick glass windowpanels in my room. That’s the first thing I feel, which is ludicrous. I force myself to ac-knowledge Peeta. It was hanging by its neck in a thin wire afoot above my head. “Scores only matter if they’re very good, no one pays muchattention to the bad or mediocre ones. I don't see Peeta in the morning. Be honest. I'm a statue. “Do you think they’ll arrest me?” I ask. This is what I meanabout Caesar. Over there was the kitchen table. “I’m not supposed to talk about it,right?” The Gamemaker who fell in the punch bowl shouts out,“She’s not!” “Thank you,” I say. “Well, it serves themright. . That would make Cato proud, my family proud, and of course the capitol. Effie Trinket lets out a squeal, and everybody is slappingme on the back and cheering and congratulating me. His mood is quieter now.“And you volunteered. Give us a hintwhat happened in there.” I glance at the Gamemakers on the balcony and bite my lip.“Um . In a daring act of suspense-building, the narrator decides not to tell us. The stress of the day, particularly 107, crying, has worn me out. Choose from 500 different sets of the hunger games chapter 1 flashcards on Quizlet. Somethingcatches my eye. “But we’re not star-crossed lovers!” I say. . Während Mrs. Everdeen in heftige Depressionen verfiel und sich keine Arbeit suchte, machte Katniss es sich zur Aufgabe, die Fa… You’reneither of you up to the blood bath at the Cornucopia. “Give mymother my best when you make it back, will you?” “Count on it,” I say. “You had no right! around Haymitch,” says Cinna with a grin.“I don’t find you so. “Delightme.” “Fine!” I snarl. Nervousness seeps into terror as I anticipate what is tocome. . I spend the next hour helping the redheaded girl clean theroom. won’t helpin my case,” says Peeta. Plot Summary. And then one day, withouteither of us saying it, we became a team. “When the gong sounds, get the hell out of there. Or act itout. What traps have the Gamemakers hid den to liven up theslower moments? Even so, hescored a ten and it’s not hard to imagine he impressed theGamemakers. We’ve both done well, but what does that mean forthe other? Ihr Vater, Mr. Everdeen, nahm sie oft mit in den Wald und lehrte sie dort das Jagen mit Pfeil und Bogen. But that's no concern for Katniss, who supports her family through hunting game and gathering roots in the woods. Gush.” The next hours are agonizing. “Don’t you see?” “A little. But that can’t compare to whathappens as the field shrinks to a handful of players. At one point, I hear a noise and pull my knife,thinking I may have to defend myself, but I’ve only startled arabbit. The people she's working with in District 13 didn't want her to visit the ruins of her home, but she insisted on it. Peeta hesitates, then gives an unconvincing shake of hishead. Theonly moment of any substance I hail was when I talked aboutPrim. I was hoping that byspring I might be able to bring down some bigger game. I’d been trying to usesnares all summer with no success, so I couldn’t help droppingmy sacks to examine this one. It is no secret that The Hunger Games had become a phenomenon around the world that captivated the hearts of millions of people through the books and films alike. If not, you’ll be imprisoned. Katniss understands it is the \"day of the reaping,\" the first stage of the horrific Hunger Games that she will explain to the reader over the first few chapters. I guess the whole team will have their handsfull readying us for that. “Oh, do that again!” says Caesar, and so I lift up my armsand spin around and around letting the skirt fly out, lettingthe dress engulf me in flames. Her father died when she was 11 from a mine explosion. Same face under a coating of pure whitemakeup. Start studying Hunger Games Chapter 1. I swallow hard. He’s my last hope. I press on it,even though it hurts, I press on it so hard a small bruise be-gins to form. Which is pointless, of course.” In the light from be-low, I can see his face now, the awkward way he holds hisbandaged hands. . That’s what will happentonight. Nowthe Gamemakers will always be able to trace my whereaboutsin the arena. Wrinkles aren’t desirable. Download Hunger Games Book 1 PDF for free. But the City Circle and the avenues that feed into it arecompletely packed with people. It’s like Peeta said, I was shooting and they were ignoringme and I just . I think I'm ready, and trained for this year. . Effie can be tire-some and clueless, but she’s not destructive like Haymitch. The Hunger Games. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. two . “I’m going to eat.” 1kick off my heels and stomp down to the dining room, hikingmy skirt up to my thighs. I can’t stop trying to imagine exactly whatterrain I’ll be thrown into. “No,” I admit a bit guiltily. . I can’t go down without a fight. Chapters 1-3; Chapters 4-6; Chapters 7-9; Chapters 10-12; Chapters 13-15; Chapters 16-18; Chapters 19-21; Chapters 22-24; Chapters 25-27; Study Questions; Suggestions for Further Reading; Writing Help . Once I leavemy room, it will be only minutes until I’m in front of thecrowd, the cameras, all of Panem. You’re coaching us on interviews today,right?” 111, “That’s right,” says Haymitch. “Well, there’s been a change of plans. . Peeta et Katniss sont tirés au sort pour participer aux Hunger Games. Finish Editing. . Soft leather not unlike my ones at home.These have a narrow flexible rubber sole with treads though.Good for running. By the time we’ve finished, they’re back. “And if theycan’t catch me, they can’t kill me. The doors slide together and I zip upward. I’ve got staying power even though I’mshort on sleep. “Well, you better learn fast. The interviews take place on astage constructed in front of the Training Center. The 74th annual hunger games has arrived. Peeta Mellark. That hurts. The audience breaks intocheers. The blade lodges in the pack. My fingers were just on the wire 108, ve one of the rabbits when a voice rang out. I’m torn now be-tween thinking I’ve been used and thinking I’ve been given anedge. We will see how high and mighty he iswhen he's faced with life and death. I squint to make outtheir tiny figures in more detail. “They’ve got ashow to put on. I nod. Obviously Haymitch isn't much, but Effie Trinket is right about one thing, once we're in the arena he's all we've got. And if I volunteer soon enough, I can win and bring the glory back with me. I nod. That’s how long we’re required to stand onour metal circles before the sound of a gong releases us. Download Hunger Games Book 1 PDF for free. But I will need water. I spot-ted Cinna as soon as he took his place, but even his presence 124, not relax me. You volun-teered to save your sister. Who cares what they do to me? . It’s as if I’ve thrownaway all the good work they did on the opening ceremonieswithout a thought. The Hunger Games; Chapter Three; The Hunger Games Chapter Three. Live Game Live. Characterizations- write about the characters and how they relate to each other, descriptions and the role they play in the book. I can listen and catat the same time,” I say. “Good,” I say. Because thoseextra couple of seconds I’ve lost by not being ready areenough to change my mind about going in. I can’t help feeling guilty.Tomorrow we will be in the arena. That seems odd, but hunger wins outover curiosity and I load up my plate with breakfast before Ijoin them. Apparently, I’m too “vulnerable” for ferocity. What is the reaping, you ask? He became my confidante, someone withwhom I could share thoughts I could never voice inside thefence. Yes, the girl from District 2, ten yards away, runningtoward me, one hand clutching a half-dozen knives. I shout forthem to go away and eventually they do. Dedication Part I “The Tributes” Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Part II “The Games” Chapter . “All right, enough,” he says. “No, it was wrong,” I say. Cinna made you look unforgettable.You’ve got the top training score. She can’tturn you down then, eh?” says Caesar encouragingly. He agreed something might beworked out. My cheeks burn again at the thought of Gale. Whether we speak or not? “Did you fall?” “After she shoved me,” says Peeta as Effie and Cinna helphim up. He looks freakish but lessfrightening than he did last year when his color was crimsonand he seemed to be bleeding. Cut my tongue and turn me into an Avox so Ican wait on the future tributes of Panem? Caesar wraps a protective arm around me. Only . I don’t think I’mimagining the sadness on his face. “I don’t know, but a lot of boys like her,” says Peeta. “I really am sorry about your hands.” “It doesn’t matter, Katniss,” he says. Her father taught h… Each interview only lasts three minutes. ]f`s diih wos ir`a`lonny pudn`sfcm `l formbivcr dy Rbfinost`b Zrcss `l 4::6. tromcgorhs olm/ir rca`stcrcm tromcgorhs ie Rbfinost`b @lb. “I don’t want them tochange me in there. She knows she has a slim chance of surviving the Hunger Games, but she is determined to try. Everyone’s waiting at the table, even Cinna and Portia. And a few years ago, the boy whowon the Games only received a three. But now Peeta has made me an object of love. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. I had been struggling along on my own for about sixmonths when I first ran into Gale in the woods. “With all the crazy clothesthey wear here. Too soon it’s time to go. Extension Task –How important do you think District 12 is in the wider society of Panem? And then they’re calling Katniss Everdeen, and I feel myself,as if in a dream, standing and making my way center stage. “See, like this. “Truly,” says Cinna. “Well, that’s the best I can do,” Effie says with a sigh. My room feels likea prison cell. The Hunger Games Chapter Four . They need some players with some heat.” “Katniss, the girl who was on fire,” says Cinna and gives mea hug. See they’dhave to reveal what happened in the Training Center for it tohave any worthwhile effect on the population. If the Gamemakers want to pu-nish me, they can do it publicly. This book is not for everyone; it is at times violent and it is not appropriate for all children. And high time, too.The Games begin in two days, and trust will only be a weak-ness. I’m smiling at youeven though you’re aggravating me.” “Yes, it feels very convincing,” I say. 5 R-i-i-i-p! I became a much better hunter when I didn’t haveto look over my shoulder constantly, when someone waswatching my back. I showed him what plants to eat and eventuallygave him one of our precious bows. Every citizen of Panem is tuned in. I have to raise my head out of the required respectand cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominatedby a shot of Peeta and me, separated by a few feet that in theviewers’ heads can never be breached. Smiling is mostly about smiling more. This quiz is incomplete! “I’m trying to figure out what to do with you,” he says.“How we’re going to present you. Everything is brand-new, I will be the first and only tributeto use this Launch Room. One almost landed on my foot.” I grin at him and realize that I’m starving. The pickings are so small and I’m so angry withPeeta for distracting me that I sprint in twenty yards to re-trieve a bright orange backpack that could hold anything be-cause I can’t stand leaving with virtually nothing. It’s Sunday. Maybe hecan make me look so wonderful, no one will care what comesout of my mouth. “That’s dan-gerous.” I jumped back several feet as Gale materialized from be-hind a tree. This year, Caesar’s hair is powder blue and his eyelids andlips are coated in the same hue. Before that though, they’ll give me a score so low, no one intheir right mind would sponsor me. While we lookwell together, it’s a relief not to be dressed identically. Katniss's head hurts from where another Hunger Games competitor, … Of all the people I’ve met since I left home, Cinna is by farmy favorite. I run down the hall to the door to the roof. 106, After dinner, we go to sitting room to watch the scores an-nounced on television. Peeta actually ischarming and then utterly winning as the boy in love. 105, “Very true,” says Haymitch. It must be forty pounds. Besides you didn’t say you lovedme. He has a sort of self-deprecating humor naturally,”says Haymitch. “It was my idea,” says Peeta, wincing as he pulls spikes ofpottery from his palms. Particularly ifwe’re trying for bigger game. I’ll say this for Caesar, hereally does his best to make the tributes shine. “After he said he loved me, did you think I could be in lovewith him, too?” I ask. The Lionsgate movie, based on the book, comes out March 23, 2012. Vier Jahre später kam ihre Schwester Primrose Everdeen, genannt Prim, auf die Welt. Maybe tributes have tried to escape in the past. The people throw bricks and burn buildings. as I slip outside. A summary of Part X (Section1) in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games. They have actually cheered me up. He’s locked those blue eyes on minenow, demanding an answer. The reek of vomit and raw spirits almost brings my dinner up. Plus, the audiencewill start to get bored, just as the Gamemakers did. 2 One time, when I was in a blind in a tree, waiting motionless for game to wander by, I dozed off and fell ten feet to the ground, landing on my back. A boy, I think from District 9, reaches the pack at the sametime I do and for a brief time we grapple for it and then hecoughs, splattering my face with blood. Previous Next . If you’d known, it wouldn’thave read as real,” says Portia. Same ceremonial suit, midnight blue dottedwith a thousand tiny electric bulbs that twinkle like stars.They do surgery in the Capitol, to make people appear young-er and thinner. Displaying Book 1 - The Hunger Games.pdf. He ignores Caesar’s attempts at banter and an-swers with a yes or no or just remains silent. “The lamb stew,” I get out. “Katniss,” I said, barely audible. I prop myself up on one elbow. by Cameron Dean is a work of fiction. I thought we abandoned that when Peeta asked forseparate coaching. In a daring act of suspense-building, the narrator decides not to tell us. The Hunger Games Chapter 1. The ride lasts about half an hour before the windows blackout, suggesting that we’re nearing the arena. . Will I never stop owinghim? Be a painto replace you at this stage,” says Haymitch. . I know Haymitch and Effie will not be going with us. Only . I’ve missed my chance! We’re on a flat, open stretch of ground. “And what did you say?” prompts Caesar gently. Hunger Games Book 1 was published by sweet841 on 2014-10-26. Thevery opposite of me. 8 a few blackberries from the bushes around us. Perfect prep for The Hunger Games quizzes and tests you might have in school. Peeta has only just stepped fromhis car when I slam my palms into his chest. “It doesn’t show, does it?” Theyshout reassurances to him and applaud. Standing room only. “Good to see you,” I whisper. I’m glad forthe solitude, even though it’s an illusion, because I’m probablyon-screen right now. Assoon as they leave here, they’ll be at the Games Headquarters,hopefully madly signing up our sponsors, working out a strat-egy on how and when to deliver the gifts to us. “Remember what Haymitch said.Run, find water. After lunch, Haymitchtakes me into the sitting room, directs me to the couch, andthen just frowns at me for a while. Ittakes me about five seconds to realize I’ll never fall asleep.And I need sleep desperately because in the arena every mo-ment I give in to fatigue will be an invitation to death. The fox-faced girl from District 5 sly and elusive. . Still clenching one of Cinna’s hands, I walk over and standon the circular metal plate. In exchange, he trusted me with his. Be-cause my dress, oh, my dress is entirely covered in reflectiveprecious gems, red and yellow and white with bits of blue thataccent the tips of the flame design. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagina . "You're just so hairy!" So act like it.” 122, What? It’s not a faircomparison really. And I’ve missed it! Being out in thewoods with Gale . “I shot an arrow at them. The Hunger Games Chapters 1 - 3 Summary - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Chapters 1 - 3 Summary and Analysis It’s their job to pay attention to you. But the nerves and thespinning have gotten to me. “Well, that’s that,” says Haymitch. Peeta and Haymitch seem in pretty good moods, so I’mthinking the content session should be an improvement overthe morning. “It’s not good,” agrees Peeta. “Do you mean youwon’t kill anyone?” I ask. Katniss Everdeen stands in the ash-covered ruins of her house. All that remains of the design-team’s efforts are the flames on my nails. Les Hunger Games avaient débuté deux jours auparavant, et Eilys n’avait eu aucun ennui depuis. They can’t have the things that mattered to me in thepast!” I say. We try me playing cocky, but I just don’t have the arrog-ance. Page 3 of 358. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. One . “The material in the jacket’s designed to reflect bodyheat. Katniss spends the rest of the day crying on her bed. “Wouldn’t you love to pull her back out here and get a re-sponse?” Caesar asks the audience. Execute me? It’s no good. Here are some ideas of what you can write about: 1. I could slip away now, without him notic-ing me; he wouldn’t hear me over the din, But the night air’sso sweet, I can’t bear returning to that stuffy cage of a room.And what difference does it make? I escape to my room as quickly as possible and bur-row down under the covers. He must. Being in the woods is rejuvenating. Then Venia goes towork on my hair, weaving strands of red into a pattern thatbegins at my left ear, wraps around my head, and then falls inone braid down my right shoulder. “Well, there’s some roomfor improvement there.” And then he’d give me a smile and I’dreturn it without hesitating now. Chapter 1. 1 I stare down at my shoes, watching as a fine layer of ash settles on the worn leather. But perhaps that would only result in punishment for her. “If that. Turn me into some kind of monster thatI’m not.” I bite my lip feeling inferior. It’s the same advice he gave uson the train, but he’s not drunk and laughing this time. I liked him right off and he hasn’t disappointedme yet. “She’s safe withme. Book 1 - The Hunger Games.pdf. My best hope is to not disgrace myselfand . The area where she and her family live is called the Seam, and its part of District 12. I just give my head a small shake. The reaping and the fight to the death are called the Hunger Games. This Unit covers all 27 chapters of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 217 1 412KB Read more “He made you look desirable! Haymitch and Effie are knocking on my door. “Doubt it. But maybe Cinna. I am not beautiful. “I swore I would.” “I bet you did,” says Caesar, giving me a squeeze. “Just leave it alone!” I hate her, too, with her knowing reproachful eyes that callme a coward, a monster, a puppet of the Capitol, both now andthen. Thereare so many deaths to show the first day that a tribute trekk-ing through the woods isn’t much to look at. Butthis forty-yard length, this is what I am built for. The Hunger Games is one of the best methods that the Capitol has for ensuring that the districts remain divided. “Nothing. Peacekeepers gun … There is no telling how far wewill travel to the arena that has been prepared for this year’sGames. Bfoptcr ilc erig ]FC FSLACT AOGCR dy Ruzollc Binn`ls. “Why ever not?” says Caesar, mystified. I’m not sure what our current ap-proach is. I shake my head but after a moment hold out my hand tohim. “But you’re not,” I say. Irecognized the twitch-up snares because my father had usedthem. I brush past the gaping Avoxeswho guard the elevators and hit the number twelve buttonwith my fist. And this is how we sit un-til a pleasant female voice announces it’s time to prepare forlaunch. . “And what?” I say. Mai im Jahr der 58. That's how I feel now, trying to … It transformedhim from someone menacing to someone you wished youknew. Terri-fied. I’ll be last, or second to last sincethe girl tribute precedes the boy from each district. Each section has vocabulary words, journal prompts, and critical thinking questions. The buzz-er goes off. Like this book? Why do these people speak in such a high pitch? Because it might be,really. “Then lie! Maybe he’s finally accepted thefact that the sooner we openly acknowledge that we are ene-mies, the better. When the girl with the red hair comes in to turn downmy bed, her eyes widen at the mess. And I know that if I don’t get it, someoneelse will. We exchange a glance. Peeta and I know the other’s survivalmeans our own death. Katniss Everdeen stands in the ash-covered ruins of her house. Notably, fire is the element that gives the various outfits Cinna designs for Katniss their character. . My feet move soundlessly across the tiles. He means me! “So what’s the schedule?” “You’ll each have four hours with Effie for presentation andfour with me for content,” says Haymitch. “Thank you.” “Twirl for me,” he says. The prep team screams in admiration. Compare that with Thresh, his silent, deadly power, andI’m forgettable. It was as if the impact had knocked every wisp of air from my lungs, and I lay there struggling to inhale, to exhale, to do anything. In a sort of brave way. Eir `leirgot`il rcaorm`la pcrg`ss`il, wr`tc ti Rbfinost`b @lb., Ottclt`il; Zcrg`ss`ils Mcportgclt, 331 Driomwoy, Lcw Pirh, LP ?::?4. I can sprint faster than any of the girls in ourschool although a couple can beat me in distance races. Winning . “What did she say to you? Of course, she did. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Ces adolescents (les sélectionnés ont entre 12 et 18) se battent à mort afin qu’il n’en reste plus qu’un. “I should have been told, so Ididn’t look so stupid.” “No, your reaction was perfect. How nicethe people are. It’s okay.My family is safe. I pull on a thick, fleecy nightgown and climb into bed. On the opening day,they don’t even fire the cannons until the initial fighting’s overbecause it’s too hard to keep track of the fatalities. The scores will be televised tonight. Which do you thinkwill get you more sponsors?” The smell of wine on his breath makes me sick. I decide to keepthem as reminder of who I am to the audience. There are no rules in the arena,but cannibalism doesn't play well with the Capitol audience,so they tried to head it off. Or mysterious. “Don’t stop!” he says. I expect the ladder to release me then, but I'm still stuckwhen a woman in a white coat approaches me carrying a sy-ringe. Everyone stares at me in disbelief. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games,” says Pee-ta. The one thing that distracts me at all is the view from thewindows as we sail over the city and then to the wildernessbeyond. Despite the tension in my stomach, I eatas much as I can, although none of the delectable food makesany impression on me. “Why don’t you just beyourself?” “Myself? It’s not like I was going to win theGames anyway. The novels were all well received. Which I have been instructed not to do. “Handsome lad like you. I’m not sure exactly what itmeans, but it suggests I’m a fighter. He had another three hanging fromhis belt. Haymitch has never seen me run. Television crews have claimed most of the other bal-conies. For all they know, youcould be hiding your talents to get a low score on purpose.People use that strategy,” said Portia. . I won-der if Gale is in the woods yet. Edit. wers the apple in the pig’s mouth and pins it to the wallbehind it. It’snot only unlocked but ajar. The Hunger Games (chapter 1) At one o’clock, we head for the square. No one can help butadmire your spirit.” My spirit. Why is she doing this? Perfect on the bed of wild rice. Solo Practice. Then I really begin to sob. It was a Sun-day in October, the air cool and pungent with dying things. I can seeby his expression that he’s been talking to Haymitch. Funny though, I don’t feel too bad. “I’m awful. You can bet they’ll make sureI don’t have a bow and arrow to defend myself. The first chapter of The Hunger Games begins with Katniss Everdeen waking up on the morning of the Reaping. Learn the hunger games chapter 1 with free interactive flashcards. As understood, expertise does not suggest that you have wonderful points. Effie makes mesay a hundred banal phrases starting with a smile, while smil-ing, or ending with a smile. Still, the scores can helpor hurt an individual tribute in terms of sponsorship. Then I just lay curled up on thebed, stroking the silken sheets, watching the sun set over theartificial candy Capitol. He’s one of thegiants, probably six and a half feet tall and built like an ox, butI noticed he rejected the invitations from the Career Tributesto join their crowd. She’s justtwelve. When Effie taps on the door to call me to dinner, I decide Imay as well go. 118, In the morning, it’s not the girl but my prep team who arehanging over me. Talk about Cinna’s clothes. . Desert? To you!” I say. Haymitch called me a dead slug. I told him I might be able to gethim a bow if he had something to trade. It’s as if the words make no sense. By the end of the session, I am no one at all. A large balco-ny off a building to the right has been reserved for the Game-makers. From the album "The Hunger Games - Hunger Games 1 (Unabridged)" by Suzanne Collins on Napster Certainly it could be of some use in adownpour. Forthere to be betrayal, there would have had to been trust first.Between Peeta and me. Uh, ridiculous, some of them.” An image pops into mymind. Caesar laughs, and vaguely I realize some of the audiencehas joined in. The hovercraftlands and Cinna and I go back to the ladder, only this time itleads down into a tube underground, into the catacombs thatlie beneath the arena. The boots, worn over skintight socks, are better than Icould have hoped for. But Peetaand I must make an early start. And cheering and congratulating me family proud, and vaguely I realize no will. Says Haymitch required to stand onour metal circles before the tears start runningdown my cheeks the nerves and have. Which makes Effie frown, anddunks it in his wine out after that? I. 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